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Monday, August 24, 2020
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Transgender Students and the Learning Process Essay -- Essays Papers
Transgender Students and the Learning Process Presentation Character is a key factor of a person in the general public. Personality regularly is slanted notwithstanding the expository articulation: â€Å"You are who you are.†However, commonly a general public unknowingly endeavors to form the characters of people into homogenous items. The significant thing isn't to let yourself prejudge people or demonstrations of individuals since this makes a presumption that brings a shame against the person. Transgender individuals face the troublesome test of being acknowledged into society since they either don't fit a conventional sex task to their sex, or they are not ready to determine a specific sex perceived by society. The legal dispute that I will use to investigate transgender personality is Doe v. Yunits. The instance of Pat Doe v. John Yunits includes a youthful, transgender understudy trained by school specialists. The school regards to be an expert on a person’s dress clothing while at the same time going to class. The court experiences a progression of reasonings testing the opportunity of articulation, freedom in appearance, and the utilization of sex-class separation. While the decision of the case brings familiarity with the presence of transgendered individuals, it is criticized by a predominant culture whose premise of the legitimate framework secures restricted sexual orientation characters as opposed to the insurance of opportunity of picking different personalities. Also, the court considered that Pat Doe has an ailment that expects her to wear women’s pieces of clothing. The ailment called Gender Identity Disorder says a lot about how society treats unrecognized contrasts with regards to diagnosing a sexual orientation articulation. The data of the legal dispute permits you to get em... ...aggy pants and a white-blender is day he neglects to maintain her actual sexual orientation personality. Judith Butler in Stein’s article best depicts this as â€Å"[D]rawing upon the eccentric acts of drag, cross-dressing, and butch-femme, she [Butler] builds up an origination of sexual orientation as execution, and of sex spoofs as incendiary acts†(Stein 181). My inquiry that comes out of eccentric investigation and the Doe v. Yunits, Why do individuals need to play out a sexual orientation act? Is it to declare a sort of sexuality, sexual direction, as well as rather generalized one? Is a transgender individual better to play out a sex demonstration that is comprehended? On the off chance that the transgender individual plays out a demonstration in spite of sexual orientation they pick, is the individual a poser? Is my sex controlling me or I am assuming responsibility for my sexual orientation? I trust have endeavored to shake your contemplations and recognitions , and maybe even fuck with your sex.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Major Marketing Concepts You Need to Know
Major Marketing Concepts You Need to Know © Shutterstock | wowomnomINTRODUCTION ON MARKETING CONCEPTThe marketing concept is the belief that companies must assess the needs of their consumers first and foremost. Based on those needs, companies can make decisions in order to satisfy their consumers’ needs, better than their competition. Companies that hold this philosophy believe that their consumers are the driving forces of their business. Nowadays, most companies have incorporated the marketing concept. So if you were a new company, how would you know what a customer would need and want?First of all, let us define needs and wants. Needs are basic requirements for an individual to survive. Some examples are water, food, shelter, etc. Obviously, the needs of consumers are wide-ranging. Wants are the desire for something that an individual cannot live without. Some examples are a bigger home, a brand new car, an iPad, and the like. Even though consumers’ needs are broad, wants can be very particular.Consumers decide to b uy based on both their needs and wants. Case in point, if they were hungry, they would need food. If you base it simply on that, then any kind of food will do. Yet, the consumer would have particular food in mind. Even though they can get a burger from Burger King, what they might truly want is a half-pound grilled burger from a bar in their local neighborhood. It is at this point that marketers would come in. Marketers acknowledge the needs of consumers and use the consumers’ desire for what they want to steer them towards specific products and services.The marketing concept underscores:identifying the market or targeting consumers;understanding the needs and wants of the consumers in the target market;creating products or services based on the consumers’ needs and wants;satisfying the needs of consumers better than competitors; andaccomplishing all of these while earning a profit.The Difference between Marketing and Marketing Concepts.Sometimes people blur the lines between ma rketing and marketing concepts. Marketing is promoting the products and services of a company for a particular target market. As a whole, marketing brings attention the offerings of a company. These may be goods for sale or services on offer. Typical examples of marketing on the ground are billboards on the road, television commercials, and magazine advertisements.However, not all companies have the same approach towards marketing their goods and services. Actually, there are a couple of strategies on making marketing successful for any company. The approaches talked about are these marketing concepts. These approaches of a company peg what kind of marketing tools they can and will use in a business.Marketing concepts are formed through a clear objective that incorporates cost efficiency, effectiveness, and social responsibilities in a target market.The Difference between Marketing Concept versus Market Concept.As previously described, the marketing concept is a business philosophy that keeps in mind that long run profitability is best accomplished through concentrating company activities towards satisfying the needs of a specific target market.The market concept, on the other hand, creates suitable market intelligence as connected to present and future consumer needs, as well as the relative capabilities of the competition to satisfy those needs. This concept is the incorporation and distribution of market intelligence throughout departments and coordinated creation and implementation of a company’s response to opportunities in the market.This article will highlight the types of marketing concepts, specifically the production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, the marketing concept, and the societal marketing concept. The discussion will show how concepts of marketing have evolved, leading to the marketing concept that is mostly used by all companies to date at least those companies that want to survive and thrive in their industries.A very basic, but good introduction to marketing management by Prof. Dr. Kirchgeorg. THE EVOLUTION TOWARDS THE MARKETING CONCEPTThere are five distinctive marketing concept types or approaches to achieving effective marketing. Notably, not all these marketing concept types work for all industries, because they differ in function. Every marketing concept was created depending on the need of the market. As markets changed, so did the concepts.The Production ConceptCompanies that use the production concept have the belief that customers primarily want products that are affordable and accessible. The production concept is based on the approach that a company can increase supply as it decreases its costs. Moreover, the production concept highlights that a business can lower costs via mass production. A company oriented towards production believes in economies of scale (decreased production cost per unit), wherein mass production can decrease cost and maximize profits. As a whole, the productio n concept is oriented towards operations.A working example of the production concept is a company that produces their goods overseas. Producing retail goods abroad lowers costs and the resulting savings can be passed on to the consumer. These lower prices could be a good incentive to attract new consumers.However, the company may experience a decline in quality and gradually a decline in sales, if the process is not kept to a standard. Businesses oriented towards production are required to avoid production efficiency procedures that affect their product’s quality and design. By compromising product quality and design simply for production would probably lower the desirability of a product for customers.The production concept actually came about in the early 1920s during the industrial revolution. During that time, the production concept was very popular because the goods produced back then were mainly basic necessities. Moreover, there was quite a high level of demand that was unf ulfilled. Almost everything that was manufactured then were easily sold based on production costs. There were just two main concerns for a company before they produced a product back thenwhether they could produce the product and if they could produce enough of it.The use of the production concept is only effective when demand is greater than supply. The biggest disadvantage of this concept is that it is not always the case that your customer chooses to buy the most affordable and easily accessible product.The Product ConceptCompanies that focus on the product concept believe that the most significant priorities for a customer are quality and functional characteristics of a product. What this indicates is that a customer looks for innovative alternatives and always searches for the best of what is currently available in the market. In addition, within this concept, it is assumed that consumers stay loyal if they receive more product options and benefits.Companies who keep this philo sophy intact direct their marketing efforts in raising their product quality. With this in mind, it is not surprising that many companies in technology use the product concept. These companies always update and release their new products. It is then important for these technology companies to create strong decisions on how often they should release their new products.By releasing too often, consumers can feel frustration due to minimal changes. Not releasing often enough would make consumers feel that the business is out of step. Companies that believe in the product concept always have to review consumer needs and execute those changes as efficiently and as quickly as possible.The disadvantage of the product concept is that companies must recognize that superior quality of a product does not make it sell automatically. Superior products will sell only if they satisfy a consumer’s needs and wants. Moreover, consumers are not attracted to goods simply because of its quality. They a lso factor in other variables, such as a product’s price, availability, and the like. A quality product yet with a high price can dent the budget of a consumer.The Selling ConceptThe selling concept involves companies that are sales oriented. What this means is that they can make a product and then sell it to their target market without consideration of their consumers needs or wants. The selling concept highlights that customers would buy a company’s products only if the company were to sell these products aggressively.This concept became very popular in the early 1930s. At this stage in time, mass production had become the norm, there was more competition, and most of customer demand had already been met. So, companies started to practice the selling concept. Companies would produce the product, but at the same time attempt to convince consumers to buy them through personal selling and advertising. The key considerations companies had for using the selling concept was whether they could sell the product and if they could charge sufficiently for it.The selling concept pays little attention to whether or not a product was truly needed by consumers. The objective was to beat the competition merely in sales, with few regarding the satisfaction of a consumer. Nowadays, this is called “hard selling,†wherein goods are not bought they are sold. This concept is based on the belief that consumers may be attracted; hence, companies can focus their efforts in attracting and educating consumers.Although it may be effective for some time that repeated efforts can sell anything this cannot be sustained for a long period of time. If a company is able to entice a consumer once, he or she cannot be won each and every time. Actually, this may even damage the reputation of a business. Thus, this concept offers only short-term gains but not long-term benefits.The Marketing ConceptA company that believes in the marketing concept places the consumer at the center of th e organization. All activities are geared towards the consumer. A business, oriented towards the market, aims to understand the needs and wants of a customer and executes the marketing strategy according to market research beginning from product conception to sales. As sales begin, further research can be implemented to figure out what customers think about a product and whether improvements are needed. While markets change continuously, product development and market research is always ongoing for a company that concentrates on the market.Learn how to create a customer centric business in the following video from Harvard Business Review. By focusing on the needs and wants of a target market, a company can deliver value, more than its competitors. The marketing concept highlights the pull strategy, wherein a brand is so strong that customers would always prefer your brand to others’. The main concerns of a company that was focused on the marketing concept were the wants of consume rs, if they could develop the product while the consumers still wanted it, and how they could keep customer satisfaction.The marketing concept came about after the Second World War. There were more product variety and the selling concept could not be depended upon to generate sales. With raised discretionary income, consumers were also able to be selective. They could buy products that met their needs precisely but those needs were not patently obvious.As companies started to use the marketing concept actively, they usually put up individual marketing departments in their organizations. Their goals were to satisfy the needs of their customers. Oftentimes, the departments were sales departments with extended responsibilities. Although these extended sales departments are still found in the companies of today, many companies have structured themselves to marketing organizations with more wide-ranging focus on the company.Because the whole organization is in existence because it aims t o satisfy the needs of a consumer, no one can neglect a consumer problem by just tagging it as a marketing challenge. The whole company must be concerned with consumer satisfaction.Companies who believe in the marketing concept opine that they can be successful only through the satisfaction of their customers. This thinking is based on the belief that goods and services are only made available only if consumers need or want them. A small problem with the marketing concept is that there is no focus given towards societal welfare.The Societal Marketing ConceptThe societal marketing concept is a relatively new marketing concept. While the societal marketing concept highlights the needs and wants of a target market and the delivery of better value than its competitors, it also underscores the importance of the well-being of customers and society as a whole (consumer welfare or societal welfare).The societal marketing concept goes one step further than the marketing concept. Case in poin t, if a company creates a car that uses less fuel but has more pollution, this would merely increase customer satisfaction, but not societal welfare. Companies who believe in the societal marketing philosophy direct their marketing towards giving customer satisfaction and social welfare.With this last concept of marketing, companies receive long-term profit, not only from the viewpoint of the consumer, but also of society.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Inevitable or Avoidable The American Civil War - 1877 Words
The biggest war that ever happened was the Civil War. This was the most deadliest, and hurtful wars between the North and the South. This war lasted for four years straight from 1861 to 1865. So many events led up to this war which made it so brutal. I believe that the events that took place to start the civil war could have been easily avoided by just a little communication that they did not use around that time. I do not believe everything that happened in those four years should have happened the way that it did. The first main reason the war started was because the south believed in owning slaves and the north did not. The south wanted to have every nation to join the cause of owning African American slaves but President†¦show more content†¦Both sides were very different especially when it came to the cotton gin. The cotton gin was created in the late 1700’s, which provided cotton. Both sides were making money off the cotton gin from the popular cotton gin create d by Eli Whitney. This creation was very popular because it would save the people on the plantations time to sort the seeds out of the cotton. The south still needed help with workers because the more plantations willing to work means you need more workers. The difference between both sides started economic issues. I know this because on, it stated, â€Å"In fact, the northern industries were purchasing the raw cotton and turning it into finished goods.†The north was totally different from the south which was not a bad thing. Obviously the big reason for the south having slaves, is because they needed cheap labors. Maybe the north could have helped them by giving them bigger machines they had in the cities. This could have maybe not led to war, and the slaves could have been easily freed. The growth of the Abolition movement soon got larger. The south soon started to feel threatened, because they felt like the North and everyone else really was goin g against them. People soon started to grow sympathy for the slaves, and soon people wanted to tell their stories. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was the first novel to reveal stories about what took place in the south. The author of â€Å"UncleShow MoreRelatedTo What Extent Was the Cold War Inevitable? Essay1178 Words  | 5 PagesExtent Was the Cold War Inevitable? With the end of World War II (WWII) in 1945 began the Cold War, an international conflict that lasted from 1947–1991 and plagued nations across the globe. As the post-war negotiations were deliberated by three of the strongest world powers, the United States (US), Britain, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), disagreements arose that created tension between the US and the USSR and ultimately instigated the infamous â€Å"Fifty Years War†(Crockatt 64).Read MoreThe Cold War During World War II1324 Words  | 6 PagesWhen World War II ended, the last thing the countries imagined was another worldwide conflict. 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He is the father of Modern revivalism. Born in Oneida, Connecticut in 1792, he had a conversion experience in 1821. In Finney theology, sin was a voluntary act an d hence avoidable. â€Å"When the churches are†¦awakened and reformed, the reformation and salvation of sinners will follow, going through the same stages of conviction, repentance, and reformation. Their hearts will be broken down and changed.†(Document B) his teachingRead MoreThe Book Thief Opens The Story With The Idea Of Death2027 Words  | 9 Pagesway the reader can see the beauty and ugliness in people. The time period Book Thief was written in was between 1938 and 1943, a major national disaster had occurred in Germany. World War two had been the main focus of the German citizens but in specific the Nazi party and the rat like jews they all hated. World War two, which exterminated many innocent Jewish people, did leave various survivors. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Power Struggles in Jury of Her Peers and Mama Come...
The Power Struggles in Jury of Her Peers and Mama Come Home The issue of dominance and subordinance is addressed in the short stories â€Å"A Jury of her Peers†by Susan Glaspell and â€Å"Mama Come Home†by James Tiptree, Jr. In the stories the subordinates are harmed by the dominants, but the subordinates overcome the suppression to triumph in the end. The groups with the power control the laws and the positions of the weaker group. To begin with, â€Å"A Jury of her Peers†is about the way women in 1917 were treated by men. The main women characters are Minnie Wright, Mrs. Peters, and Mrs. Hale. The women in the story are confined to their homes; rarely getting to go to town or visit with their friends. The women did not have many†¦show more content†¦The men also think all the housework the women do and the things they worry about are trifles. The women receive no credit for their work. â€Å"Dirty towels! Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies?†(Glaspell 264) The women become depressed and lonely. The subordinates are harmed both physically and emotionally in the story â€Å"Mama Come Home.†The giant women overpower the smaller men. They beat the men and rape them. The giant women use the men as sex slaves. They see the men as inferior and only good for sex. The men are physically harmed because they are bruised and beaten by the Capellans. â€Å"The standing one had my neck in a vise at arm’s length, and when I worked the standard finger-bend she laughed like a deep bell and casually twisted up my arm until things broke.†(Tiptree 69) They are emotionally damaged because they are taken advantage of. Anyone that is raped becomes torn up inside. In the story â€Å"Jury of her Peers,†the women are thought of as inferior. The men treat the women like they are not able to do the same things as the men. â€Å"But would the women know a clue if they did come upon it?†(Glaspell 266) The women have â€Å"feminine intuition.†They know the pain from isolation that Minnie was going through and know what clues to look for. â€Å"Again, for one brief moment, the two women’s eyes found one another.†(Glaspell 280) The men underestimate that the women can think on this level. The dominants in the story â€Å"Mama Comes
Discrimination in US Judicial system Free Essays
America judicial system has been accused of discrimination especially when it comes to mandatory sentences. There has been a serious disparity as far as sentences are concerned with some groups seemingly being favored by the law while others have been treated harshly. This state of affair is sad for this country as it seems to divide the country in classes especially on racial basis. We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination in US Judicial system or any similar topic only for you Order Now The minority groups, the African American, Latinos and women have been seriously affected making human rights groups to agitate for the change of laws to apply equally among all the groups. These inequalities in the application of the laws seem to be retrogressive as far as our endeavor to make America an all equal country is concerned. The judicial system seems to be applying the law unfairly making some feel less American than others. This does not auger well for the national cohesion as the disadvantaged group may feel that this is an attempt to sideline them on various lines and they may opt to solve the problem in whatever means available to them including violence therefore affecting the America stability. These disparities not only affect the guilty but also the innocent who are harshly sentenced for the crimes they did not commit. (Kinzie, M 2002) This may be detrimental for the fight against crime. If we continue punishing so harshly and furthermore seem to discriminate, the crime rates will only rise as people especially those who are directly or indirectly affected by this discrimination in justice register their dissatisfaction on the unfair treatment opting to use violence. To fully address the disparities in sentencing in our judicial system, causes of this unfair treatment by our system need to be addressed carefully. Police Department which is charged with the role of apprehending the law offenders has been identified as on of the areas where the discrimination is so rampant. Many Americans have reported being searched or even arrested for the crimes the have not committed only because they had a different color or spoke with a different accent from that of the arresting officer. I t is the police who arrest and align the suspected law breakers to the court. I f they are biased in terms of race or other aspects the suspects may not feel that they will receive a fair treatment. The treatment may further be extended to the sentencing itself, therefore making the victims lose confidence on our judicial system. (Jeremy, K. 2004) Human rights groups have reported that there have been more arrests as far as minority groups are concerned. This has created a perception that the minorities commit crime than their white counterparts, this perception has even been extended to our judicial system with our judges being biased when a case involving a person from a minority, instead of looking critically at the facts laid down the issue of race clouds the system making him or her rule a harsh treatment. We may not entirely blame the police and the judges alone for the unfair treatment of the subject but our law system have failed to address the issues at hand. The laws seem to be biased from the word go and this perhaps is where the problem lies. Judges base their sentences on the law; the law prescribes a certain punishment on a particular crime committed. There are some of the laws that seem to be lenient on some offenders. Althugh this may not be directly proved there exists some disparities as far as sentences prescribed are concerned. Looking at the punishment through a social perspective one may not fail to notice that there is some form of discrimination of certain groups. A good case at hand is the issue of drugs, cocaine is one of the drugs that is abused by Americans of all walks of lives be they poor, rich, black, white and Latinos. Surprisingly the sentences prescribed differ when it comes to the type of cocaine in question. There are two types of coaine; the powdered form and the crack which is cooked in baking soda. Crack is mainly used by the black and the Latinos populations while the powdered cocaine is mainly consumed by the rich whites. When the congress was passing this law on drug abuse there was a wrong indication that crack was more addictive than the powdered form and it resulted to more violent among its users therefore heavy punishment for its users as opposed to powder users who got lesser sentences. This law based on this argument, though good to deter the drug users have not addressed the issue at hand as it has been accused of discriminating on the lines of race and social classes. (Wolf, D 2006) American society can also be largely blame for the state of affairs that prevail in our judicial system. The laws are made by our representatives whom we elect, therefore the law makers represents our views and if we do not agree with them there are channels of addressing the issue. Our society is molded in such a way that segregation in terms of race class and other aspects is embraced therefore our judicial system just reflect who we are as a society. This does not mean that the status quo must prevail,we should embrace a situation where all are treated equally regardless of the race, creed or even the social class one occupies. This calls for the sensitizing of the masses on the need to look at each other as either brother or sister. This will go along way in creating equality in the society which will eventually been reflected in our laws hence implementation by our judiciary system. ( Hurst, C. 2001) Judicial department has a great role as long as equality in law is concerned, this department is mandated to interpret the law made by our legislators and if they seem to contravene the supreme constitution of our land the department has a responsibility of quashing these laws and advise the lawmakers on the shortcomings of these legislations. The laws which are discriminative in nature not only cause a great division in this nation but also cause great suffering to the victims as they are subjected to harsh treatment sometimes for the crimes they may have not committed but due to their inability to hire competent lawyers they fail to defend themselves therefore being punished. The judicial department should ensure that the judges who handle cases where discrimination may be cited are competent individual and have no history of racial prejudice. The department needs to empower the judges with skills that will ensure they handle such type of cases with seriousness they deserve as it is only through this way that our judicial system will be seen to serve all equally regardless of their race, creed or even the social status they hold in the society. Selection of juries is another area that needs to handled with a lot of caution some of them may be compromised to vote on a certain way which promotes the already existing disparity . The judiciary should make sure that men and women who are selected in the jury are people of high integrity, those who are not biased and show high respect for the all people regardless of diversity. Judges need to set precedent on application of the law equally, precedence that should be authoritative such that the whole system will adopt to ensure all who are brought before them are treated with fairness as required by the natural justice and our constitution as well. The judicial department needs to ensure that systems are in place for those who feel they have been discriminated to register their complaints and the necessary remedies taken. The appellate court should be fully empowered to address this issue comprehensively and in a manner that all will be satisfied and justice will have prevailed in such systems. (Murray, F 2003) With the responsibility of interpreting the laws being vested on this department by our constitution. The judicial system should uphold this responsibility and advise the congress to look at all those laws which seem to apply selectively. These laws need to be changed without deviating from their initial course of making them, which was to fight crime. They should be applied equally to all. We should not have some groups being treated leniently yet the magnitude of the crime is the same. The judiciary system can save this nation from the agony of going through another era of discrimination in our society. If it upholds the responsibility bestowed by the citizens of America through the constitution it can cement the gains we have so far made as far as eliminating segregations in our community is concerned. Criminals need to be treated equally and fairly, no one should receive punishment which is not equivalent to the crime committed neither should be there lesser punishment for a crime committed. It is only fair application of justice that this department will be viewed in the lenses of equalizing all the America as far as law is concerned. The department cannot accept failing as this will be doom for America as a nation. References Kinzie, M (2002) Product liability and litigation. Clifton Park, Newyork. Jeremy, K. (2004) Discrimination in our laws. American perspective. Straus and Graux.Newyork Wolf, D (2006) Law and the racial politics. Harper Collins, Newyork. Hurst, C. (2001) Crime and the law: social perspective.W.W.Norta, Newyork. Murray, F (2003) American judicial system. Sierra club books, Sanfrancisco How to cite Discrimination in US Judicial system, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Racial Profiling an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
Racial Profiling Race profiling is defined as the inclusion of race in the profile of a person deemed likely to perpetrate a particular crime or type of crime. It is exemplified as any police or private security procedure into which an individual is regarded as a suspect because of his or her race, ethnicity, nationality or creed. The inclusion of race as one of the numerous factors in suspect profiling is by and large backed by the law enforcement community within the Western world. Race riots have also been cited as a symptom of racial profiling. It is argued that profiling built on "any" trait is a time-tested and universal police tool, and that ruling out race as a factor is tantamount to being unwise. Need essay sample on "Racial Profiling" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Towards the last part of the 20th century in the United States though, the procedure became unpopular with the general public as exploitations by law enforcement were discovered. This occurs as police investigate, stop, frisk, search or apply force against a person based on such characteristics instead of proof of a person's illegal activities. It frequently entails the stopping and searching of people of color for traffic violations, recognized as "DWB" or "driving while black or brown." Though typically related with African Americans and Latinos, racial profiling and "DWB" have also turned out to be shorthand expressions for police stops of Asians, Native Americans, and, increasingly after 9/11, Arabs, Muslims and South Asians ( Pampel, 2004). Racial profiling may mean pedestrian stops, "gang" databases, bicycle stops, making use of police attack dogs, suspicion at stores and malls, immigration worksite incursions, and in addition to the 2000 presidential election in Florida, harassment on the way to polls, or "voting while black or brown". Even Customs and some other airport personnel also employ racial profiling of commuters (Defosse, 2002). Some say that racial profiling is completely groundless, such as profiling an African American person because of their race. So the question at the outset will be Is racial profiling real? Nearly all Americans believe so. In a July 2001 Gallup poll, it gives an account that 55 percent of whites and 83 percent of blacks think racial profiling is pervasive. Moreover, the reports of thousands of racial and ethnic group members across the state add credibility to the assessment that racial profiling is well-founded. These are accounts from all walks of life, not just reliable, industrious everyday people, but movie and TV personalities, professional athletes, and members of the military. What's more, reports of racial profiling come from esteemed members of communities of color such as law enforcement commanders, prosecutors, judges, state legislators, legal representatives, dentists and even representatives in Congress, who have been victims (Weitzer & Tuch, 2006). Some quarters argue that racial profiling is actually just a new term for an old practice known by other names: institutional racism and discrimination and owes its being to prejudice that has remained in this country since slavery. Critics maintain that race must in no way be considered for any basis in a police encounter; it should not at all be considered the major or motivating cause for suspicion. It is because its used to describe a specific suspect in a specific crime and only when used in a manner like other physical descriptions (e.g., hair color, weight, distinguishing marks). Moreover even if race could be advantageous, use of race possibly will lead to many more inaccuracies where the real wrongdoer happened not to fit the race predicted by the pattern and law enforcement fails to capture the suspect. It is occasionally essential to regard racial factors in a way that may not be directly obvious from the above when dealing with hate crimes and the like, though it is very unusual to think of conditions where racial profiling would assist police decision-making in this situation. This is often referred to as the "be on the lookout" (BOLO) exception. A number of groups contend that if a disproportional number of members of a race are, for example, stopped, searched, or arrested, compared to the general population or to other races, it is due to discrimination or inequity. And there are those that say that in the United States, the government does not have the right to perform racial profiling. The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution secures the right to be protected from unwarranted search and seizure without apparent cause. In view of the fact that the considerable mass of people of all races are law-abiding citizens, simply being of a race which a police officer deems to be more likely to carry out a crime than another is not probable cause. In addition, the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution compels that all US citizens be dealt with equally under the law. It is unconstitutional for a representative of the government to make judgments on the basis of race. This observation has been supported by the US Supreme Court in Batson v. Kentucky and numerous other cases (Pampel, 2004). Some groups also argue that police who concentrate their limited attention on one racial group allow criminals from other racial groups to go free. After the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, authorities exhausted a disproportionate amount of time and resources on two men of Middle Eastern ancestry. It turned out that this terrorist attack was carried out by a white male; if the terrorist had intended more than one act of violence, the waste of restricted resources probing men of Middle Eastern descent may possibly have cost lives. In commuter places like airports, racial profiling is every so often used to single out who to investigate more vigilantly and lengthily than everyone else. If a person's physical features look like someone of Middle Eastern origin, then they're normally expected to be stopped and searched methodically than someone who has the physical features of a European individual. It has also been indicated that a lot of Arabs and South Asians bear a resemblance to South ( and occasionally even North) Europeans (Defosse, 2002). According to some advocates (Weitzer and Tuch 2006)., only the non-racial factors are warranted in suspect profiling; police should pay no attention to any ethnic or racial information they have on people caught up in the illegal trade. During a 2002 poll, for instance, 73 percent of whites, 77 percent of Hispanics, and 91 percent of African Americans condemned of racial profiling by the police. Organizations such as NAAP and the ACLU are staunchly opposed to "racial profiling". A large amount of crimes is perpetrated by whites, they say, and profiling based absolutely on race singles out minorities such as African-Americans and individuals of Hispanic descent. They also debate the claim that more crime is carried out by minorities, because, they say, it has been statistically verified not to be the case. However, in a "consent decree," the State Police approved to implement a new policy that no person may be apprehended and held based on race, except said character corresponds with the sketch of a specific suspect. References Defosse, Jonathan R., "Asian Americans, radical profiling, and national security", in: George Washington Law Review, 70 (2002), no. 1, pp. 181-211. Pampel, Fred C., Racial profiling, New York: Facts on File, c2004. 284 p.; 24 cm. Retrieved from "" Ronald Weitzer and Steven Tuch. 2006. Race and Policing in America: Conflict and Reform (New York: Cambridge University Press).
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